The Single European Sky ATM Research (SESAR) project was set up in 2004 as the technological pillar of the Single European Sky initiative to define, develop and deliver new or improved air traffic management (ATM) technologies and procedures. Both China and Europe are facing (ATM) challenges due to increased traffic volume. This two-day workshop is designed to give an overview of SESAR and exchange on latest ATM modernization efforts in Europe and China. The EU-China Aviation Partnership Project (APP) co-organised this workshop with the Air Traffic Management Bureau (ATMB) of China, with the support of the International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) and contributions from the international Air Transport Association (IATA) as well as representatives of the aviation industry to discuss current issues, such as: planning of ATM modernisation, optimised ATM network services and airport operations, advanced air traffic services, avionics and CNS (Communication, Navigation and Surveillance). The two-day event gave opportunity for leading companies to introduce the latest technologies, for example complex management tools for network operation, virtual centers, low level IFR for rotorcraft among others. As a conclusion to the workshop, participants also shared their experience during the panel discussion focusing on the exchange of data and information between major Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSP) in Europe such as direction des Services de la navigation aérienne (DSNA) from France and Deutsche Flugsicherung (DFS) from Germany and Eurocontrol as the Network Manager. The exchange of information also included joint airspace planning data based on existing civil military cooperation.
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