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Efficiency at multi-runway airports and Airport Collaborative Decision Making (A-CDM) workshop

Hangzhou, September 20-21

From 20-21 September 2018, the EU-China Aviation Partnership Project (APP) held a fruitful workshop on efficiency of multi runway operations and Airport Collaborative Decision Making (A-CDM). It was organised back-to-back with another Air Traffic Flow Management (ATFM) related workshop on capacity and demand assessment on 18 and 19 September.

Over the course of two days, European and Chinese participants exchanged views on the processes and challenges for multi-runway operational efficiency at airports. In addition, the topic of integration of Arrival Manager (AMAN) and Departure Manager (DMAN) into A-CDM was presented, as well as a review of the ground operation and A-CDM construction of Hangzhou Xiaoshan International Airport. Further topics included an introduction to A-CDM in Europe, the process of data and information exchange between airports and the network manager, and best practices for airport capacity assessment.

The event proved successful through the many questions raised and answers provided by the participating stakeholders. The exchanges led to the conclusion that there is still much to be gained by further intensifying EU-China cooperation on the topic of ATFM. Workshop participants, close to forty in attendance, included representatives of EASA, Eurocontrol, Croatia Control, CAAC, ATMB, aviation universities, Hangzhou Xiaoshan International Airport, China Eastern Airlines, Thales, and other European and Chinese industry stakeholders.

To view the presentations delivered during this activity, please click here. The page is password protected, in case you would like to access, please e-mail

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