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CAAC hosted an EASA-CAAC Composite Certification Workshop, 18-19/10/2018 in Beijing. This event involved attendees and presentations from the Chinese regulators and industry. It formed part of the EU-China Aviation Partnership activities, supporting a deepening of the economic partnership in aviation between the two regions. 

The agenda included strong support from the European industry in the form of Airbus, Safran, and LHT presentations, which were based upon established experience in design, production, and operation of products making extensive use of composite materials in safety critical applications, such as the A350 fuselage, the LEAP engine etc. Chinese presentations included those from CAAC and COMAC, with the developing C919 and future C929 products in mind.

This event was aligned with the intent of the EASA AM Strategy, also supporting EASA European Plan for Aviation Safety (EPAS) and the Level of Involvement (LOI) strategies. There is potential to continue discussions in the form of more focused local workshops.

To view the presentations delivered during this activity, please click here. The page is password protected, in case you would like to access, please e-mail


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