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Introductory Workshop to Performance Based Regulatory Environment (PBE)

27 - 28 October 2016

While compliance remains a necessary foundation for the management of safety, the ever growing complexity in the aviation system demands an evolution to maintain and continuously improve aviation safety. A performance based environment (PBE) can enable more effective management of safety and its associated risks. This approach recognises the need to implement concepts stemming from ICAO Annex 19 to maintain and improve safety. A performance based environment that focusses in particular on the management of risk will help to develop performance based risk (PBR) management as well as performance based oversight (PBO). These approaches will help to maintain high safety levels in a growing aviation environment.

This workshop was mainly concerned with the introduction of a performance based environment in relation to safety, based on a two way exchange of information. However the principles introduced can be applied to other areas, like environmental protection or security.


You can find the supporting resources for this activity here. A password is required, to get it please contact Wang Lili at

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