Activity Resources
Engine Certification and Validation Workshop
Beijing 12- 14 September, 2017
12 0930 CVU 1 __EASA orga and certification
12 1015 _ EASA Regulation Framework
12 1045 Overview of Applicable CS-E_Ongoing_Rmkg_Rsrch_OKA
12 1430 Establishment of the Certification Basis_OKA
12 1550 Engine AIrcraft Interface
13 0900 CVU 2__DOA and Certification
13 1130 CAAC Design Organisation Approval
13 1330 Safran HE Design Organisation Approval
13 1530 - 1 CAW of Engine Type Design
13 1530 - 2 Cont AW v2 Continuing Airworthiness
13 1530 - 3 Safran HE Continued Airworthiness process presentation
14 1045 - 2 Software and Complex Hardware
14 1045 - 3 Safran HE Certif of airborne soft &complex electronic hard
14 1115 - 2 CS-E 790 Ingestion of Rain & Hail
14 1145 - 3 Rain-hail ingestion at SafranHE
14 1300 - 2 CAAC Control System Certification
14 1300 - 3 Control system certification at SafranHE
14 1330 - 2 CS-E 800 Bird Ingestion
14 1330 - 3 Safran HE Bird ingestion tests
14 1420 - 2 CS-E 780 Test in Ice-Forming Conditions
14 1420 - 3 Safran HE Icing tests