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Aviation Accident Investigation Experience Exchange Visit

19-27 September 2023


Expanding on previous cooperation activities between the European and Chinese aviation authorities in the domain of aviation accident investigation, EASA and CAAC organised an experience exchange visit under the EU-China Aviation Partnership Project (APP) in September 2023 to strengthen dialogue and cooperation between accident investigation authorities and relevant aviation stakeholders, with the overarching aim to improve global aviation safety. Over the course of 8 days, a CAAC-led delegation visited France meeting with representatives of the Bureau d’Enquetes et d’Analyses (BEA, safety investigation authority of France), Airbus Helicopters, Airbus and ATR; Germany meeting with representatives of EASA; and Belgium participating in the plenary meeting of the European Network of Civil Aviation Safety Investigation Authorities (ENCASIA).

The event programme consisted of presentations and discussions on the applicable legislation, regulations and standards in Europe and in China, organisational structure, roles and responsibilities of the safety investigation authorities, sharing of incident/accident investigation cases and experiences including best practices and challenges encountered. In addition, investigators training including requirements, methods and tools for aviation accident/incident investigation were covered. Finally, the delegates also visited accident investigation laboratories, safety promotion centres and test facilities.

This activity was a successful exchange on the challenges and approaches to accident and incident investigation. The intention to follow up on this visit was expressed by both the European and Chinese representatives and ideas for this were discussed accordingly.

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