Civil - Military Cooperation in ATM
6 - 7 April, 2017
Beijing 6 April, the conference on Civil Military Cooperation in ATM discussed the regulatory framework for flexible use of airspace an exchanged on operational experience. Chinese Participants came from the China Air Force ATM Bureau, the Regional ATMBs in China, the Central ATMB and the CAAC Air Traffic Regulation Office. Different approaches to “civil-military cooperation” in the European Aviation system were introduced by representatives from France, Germany and the Czech Republic with speakers coming from the military community and the civil Air Navigation Service Providers. The conference also provided the opportunity to European industry to present their ATFM solutions. IATA and the three big Chinese carriers, Air China, China Eastern and China Southern Airlines, as well as KLM from Europe outlined user benefits and expectations on the flexible use of airspace from the airlines’ perspective. The ICAO RSO Beijing gave an overview about civil military cooperation and flexible use of airspace in the Asia Pacific Region. IATA North Asia complemented this with user views on benefits and expectations from the implementation of flexible use of airspace in China. The conference counted about 150 participants in the Grand Ballroom of the Civil Aviation Management Institute of China. It was organized by the EU-China Aviation Partnership Project, managed by EASA, in cooperation with the Chinese ATMB, ICAO RSO Beijing and IATA North Asia.
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