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Initial exchange to assess scope for GNSS cooperation

27 - 28 April 2016

Global Navigation Stellite Systems (GNSS)

Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) are considered a pillar for future Air Trafic Management (ATM) improvements. For performance improvements to be realised internationally, it is necessary to ensure compatibility, interoperability and interchangeability between GNSS, including augmentation systems (SBAS and GBAS).

Thus, ICAO promotes the implementation of GNSS-based operations by asking States to publish an implementation plan for “Performance Based Navigation” (PBN) operations (for en-route, terminal and approach phases of flight) and to publish APV (Approach with Vertical guidance) for every IFR runway by 2016.

An understanding of the European and Chinese strategies for the development of future satellite navigation is essential to work towards the common goal of ensuring compatibility, interoperability, and if possible, interchangeability.


Working towards this goal, the project's stakeholders met in Beijing on 27th and 28th April 2016 to establish a first exchange on latest GNSS developments applicable to civil aviation and focused on operational, regulatory and certification aspects.

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声明 © 中欧民航合作项目 (APP)

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