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Ramp Inspection & Third Country Operators (TCO) Best Practice Exchange  

28 - 30 March 2017

The European and Chinese ramp inspection practices and foreign air carrier programmes were in the spotlight of this workshop organised by the EU-China Aviation Partnership Project (APP) on 28-29 March in Kunming, China. Experts from the EASA Foreign Operators Section delivered detailed presentations on the SAFA (Safety Assessment of Foreign Aircraft) programme and the EU’s TCO (Third Country Operators) authorisation process. CAAC presented their respective programmes in China. Industry representatives from KLM Royal Dutch Airlines shared valuable industry experience with the participants. The two days exchange also included live demonstrations of the respective EASA databases in use, which were particularly well received by the audience that included representatives from the Civil Aviation Administration of China (CAAC), CAAC regional administrations and Chinese carriers.

You can find the supporting resources for this activity here. A password is required, to get it please contact Wang Lili at

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声明 © 中欧民航合作项目 (APP)

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