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Welcome to the 2024 CAAC-EASA Aviation Safety Conference!

28th-30th May 2024 – Xiamen, China

We are delighted to announce the 2024 edition of the CAAC-EASA Aviation Safety Conference where industry leaders, policymakers, regulators, and experts from the European Union and China will convene to address global challenges in aviation safety and sustainability and seek opportunities for cooperation. With safety as our top priority, this conference serves as a platform for fruitful discussions, knowledge sharing, and collaboration towards enhancing safety standards, innovation and fostering sustainable aviation cooperation between the EU and China.

Key Themes:
-    Regulatory Alignment: Explore initiatives working towards the alignment of regulatory frameworks to ensure consistency and compliance with international safety standards, promoting harmonized, safe and efficient operations.
-    Risk Management: Delve into strategies for identifying, assessing, and mitigating safety risks, including the adoption of best practices, technological innovations, and approaches to safety management systems.
-    Regulatory Frameworks for UAM, Drones, and Air Operations: Explore strategies for developing robust regulatory frameworks that facilitate the safe integration of UAM, drones, and traditional air operations, ensuring harmonized standards and effective oversight across diverse airspace users.
-    Safety Standards and Certification: Delve into safety standards, certification processes, and best practices for UAM vehicles, drones, and traditional aircraft, including design requirements, performance testing, and operator training to mitigate safety risks and ensure airworthiness.


Join us as we shape the future of aviation safety in the era of urban air mobility, drone innovation, and evolving air operations. Together, we can harness the potential of these transformative technologies while prioritizing safety, security, and sustainability.
We look forward to your participation at the CAAC-EASA Aviation Safety Conference!


Registration: Registration is closed.


Location: Xiamen Air Lakeside Hotel, Xiamen, China


Agenda: latest conference agenda here!


If you want to know more about the first and second editions of this flagship event, please check the dedicated pages here (Shanghai) and here (Madrid).

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For enquiries, please contact

Disclaimer © EU-China Aviation Partnership Project (APP)

声明 © 中欧民航合作项目 (APP)

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